The 2022 Bodega Garzon Sauvignon Blanc de Corte is one of our wines with the most varietal expression. This Bodega Garzon Sauvignon Blanc wine displays citrus and fruit notes with a delicate presence of passion flower. This Sauvignon Blanc de Corte wine has Mineral, fresh and vibrant in the mouth, it leaves a reminder of the typicality of Garzón’s terroir.
The Bodega Garzón is close to Punta del Este, La Barra, and Jose Ignacio, Uruguayan Paradise at its best, with mesmerizing landscapes. Located eleven miles from the Atlantic Ocean, our estate has more than 1,000 small vineyard blocks covering its hillside slopes.
Eethnic food from southeast Asia like Thai or Japanese, sushi, sashimi or a delicious smoked salmon are perfect pairings for this Bodega Garzon Sauvignon Blanc de Corte wine. Seafood and grilled or fried squids with garlic and herbs are also a great combination.
Descorchados Award: 90 points / Year: 2021
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